Getting started

How to import the cinf_database

The cinf_database module is a single file module. This means that to be able to use it, can be as simple as dropping the file in the same folder as your data treatment code files.

Alternatively, the module can also be placed somewhere in your PYTHONPATH to make it accessible from anywhere, without having to have copies. More about that in the following section.

Adding cinf_database to PYTHONPATH


Using the cinf_database module from outside DTU

The cinf_database module should work with the DTU VPN. You can read more about how to install here and do the actual download and install from here.

Alternatively, and the way it used to be done, if you cannot make the DTU VPN work or do not wish to use it, you can set up a port forward between a local port and the MySQL database. The module will automatically look for a port forward on port 9999.